Awards & Recognitions

Announcing TCAA's 52nd Carl V. Cesery Award Recipient: Lucinda Noel

This prestigious national award is given by TCAA to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the ceramic tile industry.  Lucinda, having been an integral part of our industry for 45 years and serving on a number of industry groups and associations, is certainly well deserving of this award.


The award is presented as a five-inch bronze medallion created by Gilroy Roberts, the sculptor of the Kennedy half dollar.  Lucinda will be recognized and congratulated by her industry peers and friends at this year’s Total Solutions Plus annual ceramic tile conference in Boston, October 27-29, 2024. Congratulations, Lucinda!

TCAA's 51st Carl V. Cesery Award Recipient: Chris Walker

The Carl V. Cesery Award was established as a way to honor those who, like the award's namesake, have served the ceramic tile industry with great distinction. The award, a five-inch bronze medallion, was created by legendary American sculptor Gilroy Roberts whose other notable work includes creation of the Kennedy half dollar. 

TCAA's 51st Cesery award was presented to Chris Walker by TCAA's president during an Awards Luncheon during our annual Total Solutions Plus Conference on October 23, 2023.  There certainly can be no doubt that Chris Walker has indeed contributed to our industry and served with distinction at the highest levels.

Chris may jokingly say that tile is his “accidental profession”, however, his contributions to our industry, especially in the field of installation standards, is second to none.  Chris is chairman of the ANSI A-108 Installation of Ceramic Tile Committee, and a voting member on the TCNA Handbook Committee.  Not only is his expertise recognized nationally, but he is recognized internationally as well as chairman of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group for ISO TC-189 Ceramic Tile.

We at TCAA feel a sense of pride knowing that Chris began his journey on the industry standards committees as TCAA's representative.  Congratulations Chris Walker! Well deserved!

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TCAA's 5th Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: John Trendell

The Tile Contractors’ Association of America is pleased to announce that John E. Trendell, President of Trendell Consulting, LLC was chosen as the recipient of the GIACOMO DELAZZERO LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, presented during the 2019 Total Solutions Plus industry conference, in Nashville, TN on October 28, 2019.  This very prestigious award is only given to individuals whose contributions to TCAA and the ceramic tile industry have, indeed, been extraordinary and a lifetime commitment.  In fact, only four previous industry giants have been recipients; Giacomo DeLazzero (the 1999 award winner for whom the award was later named), Eugene G. Grazzini, Sr., Robert Smyth, and Raymond Byrne.

Trendell has been a part of the tile and stone business for 44 years, having started his career with the Cleveland Marble Mosaic Company in 1975.  He started his own ceramic tile installation company in 1981 and has been a leader in our industry ever since.

His most recent industry recognition was as recipient of the 2015 TCAA Carl V. Cesery award for outstanding service to the tile industry, which is a prerequisite of the Lifetime award.  Trendell has held every office in TCAA, including president in 2010/2011.  His passion for labor is reflected by his 20-year tenure as TCAA Labor Committee Chair.  Recognizing the importance of industry standards, Trendell is a TCAA representative on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Tile Council of North America (TCNA) Handbook committees.

He was instrumental in creating the industry partnership that led to qualified contractor language becoming part of the TCNA Handbook in 2012.  He went on to play a key role in creation of the Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) program and continues to serve on the ACT Task Force committee.

Trendell’s strong interest in the men and women who are the craftworkers and backbone of the industry has led him to serve on numerous local and national committees, and boards including apprenticeship and training programs.  Currently, he serves as a trustee for the International Pension Fund, the International Masonry Institute, the International Council of Employers, and is Co-Chair of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Ceramic Tile Labor Management committee.

John has been married to the same wonderful gal, Mary, for 45 years!  (Yes, that is even longer than he has been in the tile business). They also have raised 3 beautiful daughters.

TCAA congratulates John Trendell on receiving the Giacomo DeLazzero Lifetime Achievement Award and is grateful for his service to the industry and our association. 

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